It’s Picnic Time

Summer is quickly coming to an end. But before it bids us farewell, there is still time to enjoy the warm (possibly bordering on hot) weather and celebrate the seeason at the annual SBANCA picnic!

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Traveling with Spina Bifida

Last year, guest writer and SBANCA member Lauren O’Connor fulfilled a life-long dream and traveled to England for vacation. She shares her experiences here.

Visiting England has been on my bucket list forever. Last year I said to myself, “What am I waiting for?” and asked a long-time friend to join me on vacation in England. We knew there would be accessibility challenges, so we used a travel agent and did a lot of research ahead of time. The result was an adventure that was tricky at times, but tons of fun!

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Back in the Swing of Things

January is a time of new beginnings. We start the new year with new resolutions, with new hope, and with new goals. We look forward to what is to come, rather than dwelling on the past

The same is true for us – and this year more than usual.

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Giving Thanks

With Thanksgiving coming soon, November is always a good time to take stock in all that we have and to be grateful for the things that bless us and make our lives worth living. Here at SBANCA, we’re grateful for the great spina bifida community we have here in the metro DC area.

We are fortunate to live in an area where there are plenty of medical professionals familiar with the challenges of spina bifida. There are many opportunities here for those with physical disabilities to live full and engaged lives. And in SBANCA, we have a great support group that provides resources and encouragement for those with spina bifida and their families.

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Finding Accessibility

We all have places to go and things to do. Whether it’s picking up a few essentials from the store or grabbing a bite to eat with friends, most of us are on the go constantly, and we take for granted that we will have the access necessary to be able to accomplish what we need to do

However, for people with limited mobility—especially those in wheelchairs—planning for a night on the town or a trip to the store can be a daunting proposition. Will the restaurant be accessible? How wide are the store aisles? What are the bathrooms like?

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