Summer is quickly coming to an end. Schools are once again preparing to start, and the start of football season is mere weeks away. Before you know it, cooler temperatures will return, leaves will begin to fall, and the dog days of August will be but a memory.

But before summer bids us farewell, there is still time to enjoy the warm (possibly bordering on hot) weather and celebrate this most carefree time of year. And nothing says summer quite like the annual SBANCA picnic
This year’s picnic will once again be at Clemyjontri Park ( 6317 Georgetown Pike, McLean, VA, 22101) on Sunday, August 25, from 4:00 to 7:00 PM. Come out and see old friends, meet some new ones, and enjoy the food and conversation. Clemyjontri is a fully accessible park, with an easy-access carousel and acres of playgrounds, so everyone can join in the fun!
Main dishes and beverages will be provided. Please plan on bringing a side dish or dessert to share. To RSVP, please call Jill Hill at 703-455-5223, or email her at [email protected].